siberian cossacks from tomsk, led by ivan petlin, marched along the river valley. crossed the mountain ranges, stayed with the mongol khan and arrived in beijing to the emperor was not hit, but they held negotiations with senior officials and received a letter addressed to the king with permission to trade with china and send an embassy. she was handed over to the embassy order in moscow. but for a long time they could not read it without an interpreter, it seems that the chinese expression correctly went from here ivan petlin, made up something in his journey, which lasted a whole year. this is a monument of ancient russian literature. the most valuable source , he wrote the great wall of china to the capital of the country with its custom with a mission. petlin. lead their report on relations between russia and china recently celebrated their four hundredth anniversary on may 16, 1717 . in paris, walter was arrested at that time not yet the great french philosopher and writer, but a novice writer of a very island in the language of satirical couplets. he ridicule