ivan romanovich, ivan romanovich, you'll get a bad mark for that. that was my mother's clock. i suppose it was. -- if it was your mother's, then it was your mother's. perhaps i didn't break it. perhaps it only appears that i did. perhaps it only appears that we exist when, in fact, we don't exist at all, i don't know. i don't know anything. no one knows anything. why are you all staring at me? natasha is having a nice little affair with protopopov but you don't see it at all. you don't see anything. you sit here seeing nothing. natasha is having a nice little affair with protopopov. would you like to date. so, how odd it all is really? when the fire started, i ran back home as fast as i could. and when i got near i could see that our house was all right and out of danger. okay. the two little girls were standing in the doorway in their night clothes. their mother wasn't there. people were rushing about, horses and dogs and in the children's faces i saw a frightened, anxious appealing look i don't know what. my heart sank when i saw their faces. my god, i thought, what will the