talk about an equally important match from the point of view of the championship intrigue, ivan sergeevich bionchikgether with slavie, came to grodno to visit neman, and what came of it, let’s see in the next plot. twice in a week in grodno in mozyrei neman beats slavia. first, in the 1.8 finals of the national cup. and then in the championship of belarus, where both clubs continue to fight for medals, albeit of different denominations, the goal of the grodno team is gold, why is the team mentally ready, forward egor zubovich will say after the meeting. in both matches, it was the seventeenth number of the club from grodno who scored the winning goals, the day before the striker scored after a corner kick, and yuri pantya put the finishing touches on the score, 2:0. we played well, in principle, just those moments that... there were, there should have been earlier, there were many moments, there was a good guy in the goal to play karate, there were many moments, so of course we played the whole game from a position of strength. slavia is seventh right now, already seven points from the third team t