shemyakin's career, 130 books have been published. with a total circulation of over 25 million copies , films based on the works of the writer have been created, theatrical performances of ivanmyakin's work. received national recognition and love, both in belarus and abroad, his books have been translated into more than 30 languages compassion with signs. lyudmikin, song communist, laureate of the stalin prize on february 1, 1969, in the family of the famous belarusian composer. dmitry smolsky was born the son of victor, one of the best guitarists in the territory of the former ussr, teachers, member of the jury of international music competitions. he began his career in 1983 in legendary songs, where he became the youngest member of the band in 1988, victor founded the hard rock band inspector, with which the first successful trips to europe took place, having moved to germany, he played in the famous rage group, having traveled almost the whole world with her, he made for the team symphonic orchestral arrangements of modern versions of bach's classical works for rage were recorded by a symphony orchestra in minsk viktor smolsky's uniqueness is that he is a brilliant musici