assistant chief engineer in a shopping center, works part-time for my husband for an hour, lives in ivanteevkamoscow, thinks he looks like gosha. from the film moscow he doesn’t believe slimes, he’s proud of the fact that with average external data he wins women with charisma and wit, he admits that he can’t stand cilantro. alexey will not get along with the cold, touchy fifa, who is afraid of bacteria and turns her nose up at the village toilet. his ideal is a simple, passionate woman from the provinces who will call him a kitten, cook purée cutlets and walk around the house in a beautiful peignoir. hello, alexey, feeding him mashed potatoes, a cutlet, this is especially my favorite dish, well, in my opinion, he looks excellent, we remember the video application, and the fact that the bride did not choose you then left some kind of wound in your heart, or they left without a home, of course, it was hard, that’s what i hoped, that’s what i hoped, i really liked the bride. well, let's watch the video, yes, yes, yes, he touched millions of hearts, hello, dears, my name is alexey vitalievich ustt