we're actually dealing with that issue right now in the ivina case regarding the mexican death penalty cases that was litigated through our system as medain versus texas. the bush administration withdrew from the optional protocol to the convention after they got a really bad judgment from them but the judgment of the international court of justice in that case is still pending. it still has legal force and effect because we were under its jurisdiction when they made the judgment regardless of our subsequent withdrawal. >> almost 30 years ago. >> the ivina case was during the bush administration. you might be thinking of the nicaragua case during the reagan administration. >> indeed. thank you very much. i see my time has expired. >> thanks, senator. i appreciate it. do you have any second round of questions? senator lee, you might be interested to know that the united states senate has already approved a treaty that has the exact same procedure in it and that's the -- we gave our advice and consent to it in 1996 and not only does it subject the united states to arbitration but in fact