ten kilometers from the village of bagshty, modern ivyevsky district in the forest in a swampy area,were hiding; the second and third were revealed by an old jewish man. in the dugouts there were mainly old men, women and children, they had no weapons, the executioners from the 118th battalion, among whom was katru kilakusta, threw grenades into one of the dugouts, the women from the second shelter were taken 50 meters away and shot. it ended, some of the ukrainian nazis jumped into the dugout among the human remains of blood, looking for gold and valuables. i saw a dugout grenade torn apart by explosions, on at the bottom of which lay about twenty mutilated corpses, men, women, and children. it was impossible to look at the dugout, the bodies of the dead were torn to pieces, human flesh was mixed with earth. when we arrived, lakusta , kotryuk, filippov, ilchuk, gun commander biskandyrov, dugouts were searching the clothes of the dead, taking rings from their hands, pulling out gold teeth, and taking out gold coins and other valuables from their clothes. i remember well how biskander