catalysts for aquathermoles for enhanced oil recovery plastov muhammaddinov and the izailovich river candidate of technical sciencesrch fellow of kazan federal university zdorovo, can you tell us more about the essence of your discovery, i will receive the president of the russian federation prize in the field of innovation science for the development of catalysts for enhanced oil recovery, which contribute to the chemical transformation of the oil reservoir, that is, inside of the ground. they reduce the viscosity of oil increases the retention of light light fractions of gasoline kerosene, that is, our catalyst contributes to e, oil production it is easier and cheaper to extract oil, which comes to the surface already more, but refined. and rich in lighter fractions, please say erek. but uh in your opinion. what are the most important recent discoveries? and in general, e top discovery from you. i would like to mention the accelerator source of neutrons that cured animals with cancer, that is, employees of the budter institute of nuclear physics of the siberian branch of the russian academy of sciences and novosi