one book was discovered. clasp, in addition to the finds of the don people with izyaslav’s trident thathroughout eastern europe, this is the one who is the son of ragneda and vladimir, definitely here the princely administration was present, who is this, these are warriors, so we find fragments of them, in addition to weapons, we find rings like this in large quantities, and thousands more artifacts made of non-ferrous metal, glass, faience, this is, for example, a fragment of a woman. regions, the institute of culture was started, there were also future museologists, historians and archaeologists from grodno, vitebsk, gomel, now from mogilev, vladislav poteyko, a sophomore at the kuleshov university, uses a shovel, a metal detector and a level skillfully at the excavations for the second time, it is very interesting to study, study history, touch history through work, that is , i directly touch history, the history of our country, i went to excavate a mound in the mogilev region. from that moment i realized that archeology is my calling, i liked it. a historical monument that united th