izzo? >> in the regulated transition business provides reliable the 99.99% of the time for a regional planning process it works and it works well and that is regulated upon the cost of service. our unregulated generation business always has to consider the cost of connecting to the grade as part of its investment strategy and bears that cost. we need to dispel the notion that they are now being built because the transmission system. they are not being built because we are now sending clear price signals. the committee deserves congratulations for cap and trade and for setting and our es and being at risk the next thing i expect to hear from people is if only we had refrigerated freight trains running free of charge from the gospel our local supermarket would get its ice cubes from there. it doesn't make sense to ignore the charges. >> i want to thank all of you gentlemen again for your time and expertise and patience. before i adjourn, i need to ask a man must consent that to letters from f