j. crewish. you know? >> seth: it's very j. crewish, yeah.hmm. >> seth: how it is when you meet someone like him that you impersonate? >> you know, you just hope that you don't say the wrong thing because you know that he has snipers and you don't want to get taken out. >> seth: right. yeah. you would have to really have to cross the line for him to have a sniper take you out. >> yeah. but you know anytime you see like members of the secret service with, like, machine guns and you see them, like, playing words with friends, you're like, "what's happening here?" [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. that's not right. >> you don't wanna tick that person off. >> seth: you don't wanna tick that person off. >> i did not. but barack loves it, man. he loves it. he loves it. he was like, "i -- well, i think it's pretty good. [ laughter ] i actually like what you do. but i believe you're playing me a little too straight. [ laughter ] i like to have fun. turn up, bitch." i was like, "whoa!" [ laughter and applause ] great. so dope. >> seth: now, i, you know, at