j. flores construction. >> thank you. commissioners, i have a disclosure i need to make. i have a continuing business relationship with feldstein, gilbert, robison, and smith. they are retained by a client of mine. i have no direct relationship with them or financial interest in the firm. i have consulted with the city attorney that it does not constitute a conflict of interest, but it does constitute a disclosure requirement. i wanted everyone to be clear about that. that said, commissioners, are there any items that you would like separated from the consent calendar? >> item b. >> we will separate that. on the remainder, do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> any public comment? all of those in favor? >> aye. >> ok, the consent calendar carries, with the exception of b. commissioner? >> what was the process by which this logging firm, as opposed to any other, was selected. >> ms. allison is here in she ran that process. >> i am the assistant general manager. i believe that the question was -- what was the process to select this firm for the contract. so, we did our traditi