j. j. matthew said, los angeles kj good to see the years almost over to glad we get to talk at least once more before the end of the year. what did you make of these picks? were it, were they the right ones in europe in you know, i was just talking to a couple of the other, a hollywood foreign press association, members that also voted offer these nominees. and you know, it's interesting. we were saying, you know, there were so much a great material out there, but it seems that a lot of the voters went for more popular films like avatar top gun elvis, things like that. we're, we're films and in terms of being nominated so more popular films, which is interesting because, you know, so often hollywood get hit over the head for always saying that they're doing too many art house films. not enough films that people middle america around the world actually pay money. ah, to go see in the theater. so maybe, you know, you got to write this how, where the me did you get it right. or are you, are you just acknowledging a fact? and i've been reading about this recently that these high bra attempts at high brow films, these films are not, they just aren't generating a big audiences like they once were able to do. what do you say to them? that's true, but i would say this though, you know, sometimes these smaller are counts. films do get a little bump after winning a bigger. there are people around the world and especially middle americans are never heard of that. maybe i'll give it a chance, a slight bump, but obviously it's not that the big than elvis, you know, with, with tom hangs, or on the top gun with tom cruise. you can't beat that. those are international alias stars that are known all around the world. and, and had no need for introduction for their feelings. and what about the, the snobs in this year? i mean, were there any that surprised you or that she would have said, you know, the probably should have been nominate? i don't think you'll be surprised, but i'll tell you this. emancipation just came out on apple tv plus that stars. ah, will smith we are know what will smith had a tough year after the the oscars this year. he gives a pron not a phenomenal performance in his film. ah, his bill, nor heat were at all nominated this year for the golden globes. and i was surprised to see the film till till about the true story of an african american boy, a 14 year old boy who was linton and basically i tortured and murdered in the 1950s in mississippi. here's a true story. the entire cast gives a phenomenal performance and we didn't see any, any awards any nominate nations for that as well. so oh mister price. and of course tom cruise didn't get nominated for top. not even though top gun is there as a best picture nominees for on for so those are a couple of snaps. yeah. but those are a couple of good tips there for people who want to see a good movie. i always say listen to what k, j says, and you'll be happy. and we know there's been intense spotlight on the golden globes after a series of i would say, rather, damming of stories in the early time. so he will watch the hollywood foreign process asian been doing to, to change. and would you say it will be enough? it's you a lot has changed. i join the organization in september 2021. here we are at the end of 2022. so a lot has happened. the show has not been on here since january 2021. so when it returns in january 2023, which is another month away, it will be returning after a 2 year hiatus because nbc decided not to air the telecast. obviously all this came about after there was a boycott and a lot of issues. they didn't have enough diversity. they didn't have it. and they had a couple of scandals. so they have brought a lot of people on made a lot of changes. and i think you'll see the difference in that. i mean, i think it remains to be seen whether hollywood will embrace, you know, our, our organization, holly