j.b. phillips paraphrase, which says, "don't let the world around you squeeze you into its mold." every day, there's an ongoing pressure on us to conform to the world and its standards, to give up and give in, and the only w to resist that pressure is to let the word of god transform our mind. to help you stay focused on god's truth, "turning point" has two resources we would love to send you. one is a booklet called "your greatest turning point," and the other is our monthly called "turning points." we'll gladly make sure you receive both of these without cost or obligation, all you have to do is contact us today. >> announcer: dr. david jeremiah explains how our culture collides with the bible in his book "i never thought i'd see the day! culture at the crossroads." inside, dr. jeremiah carefully examines nine cultural shifts he nev imagined he would witness in his lifetime including marriage coming obsolete, the bible being marginalized, america turning its back on israel, and more. dr. jeremiah doesn't just identify these dangerous tren, he delivers a message of hope for the f