item 11 is report back from the february 12 laguna honda j.c.c. meeting, and i believe commissioner sanchez will make that. >> commissioner sanchez: yes, the j.c.c. laguna honda met on february 12. it was a closed session pertaining to review of the quality and credential reports. no actions taken, and that's -- that closes our meeting for laguna honda. >> secretary: any questions on that? all right, then we can move on to item 12, which is a consideration of a closed session. >> president chow: can we have a motion to go >> yeah. >> president chow: all in favor, yeah. >> secretary: all right, then let's wait for them to let us know. great, then please consider -- >> president chow: motion to not disclose the subject matter of the closed session. >> so moved. >> president chow: all those in favor say aye. we will not disclose the subject matter in closed session. >> secretary: now you have consideration for adjournment. >> move to adjourn. >> president chow: is there a second? >> second. >> president chow: all those in favor signify by saying aye.