j.o. spice company in arbutis, salt is the main ingredient for most of the recipes. for 65 years, the same recipes have kept the company at the forefront of the crab spice industry. now its management worries about the impact salt reduction mandate could have on its business. >> so when they impose salt regulations and restrictions, you know, you are not only going to hurt us as a manufacturer, you are hurting people with jobs, potentially from the salt manufacturing industry all the way down. >> fda hopes to impose the new regulation slowly over 10 years. but opponents suggest instead, the fda place warning label os salt just as it does for cigarettes and alcohol. kathleen cairns, fox 45 news "late edition". >> now that brings us to the question of the day, should the government regulate how much salt is put in food? 14 percent say yes. 86 percent say no. one viewer writes on facebook. the government needs to realize it cannot control everything. i will admit we kneed do need help in some areas. but leave the food alone. >> but mike writes. salt causes high blood pr