j.p. morgan chase institute suggest the enhanced benefits and help thousands of households continue purchasing critical needs. food, diapers, the basics. and allowing these benefits to expire or will result in household spending cuts and reduction in economic activities. exactly the opposite of what we need to do right now. this weekend on television there was a governor from the federal reserve in minneapolis who basically said this is exactly the ngwrong time to cut back on benefits to the unemployed area and when the questioner said to him owhat about our deficit, he was very frank about it. yes, for the time being it will add to the debt of the united states if the economy recovers which we have to work to achieve, that recovered economy willbe able to take care of that ebdebt . that's something to keep in mind too. it isn't just for the benefit of the families employed, it's for the benefit of the overall economy to put money tback into it now. we learn in basic economics if you want to get out of the recession the first dollar the government gives away should be to the unemployed. they w