j.p. morgan goldman sachs citi group they're going to be gone we're still going to be here we're going to be through some real tough time to still be here wall street will be dead they're not going to happen but i'm wondering if something has happened in america where we've gone to the point where wall street one never really be dead where you can say that it's the american worker that at this point is that you know michael limbs are going to say that the americans have just become obsolete and we can talk about this in terms of taxes in terms of corporations and global globalization corporations going elsewhere to find workers and let's face it i just don't think that anyone's ever going to do anything to really hurt wall street they can go on without us and flourish without us if we default they will be hurt but the point here is that that is i think is going to have no you want her going on here and that's exactly right but what's really unfortunate for the central american people is a huge distraction we should be talking about going to be going again about creating jobs for twenty fi