j.p. morgan investment bank j.p. morgan chase has said that crypto currencies would only have value in a dystopian economy and a recent note to its clients the firm said it was skeptical of the value of cryptocurrency is apart from in a dystopia where investors have lost confidence in all major reserve assets like the dollar euro yen gold and in the payment systems according to a report from business insider on monday from sneezing this is an eyeball hemorrhage. from sneezing i went on the stays unfit but could ben from smoke anyway talking about j.p. morgan and they're saying oh big going only has value in a dystopian nightmare and that's why it has value today because it's telegraphing a dystopian nightmare the value of big calling today reflects the level of dystopian ism that we are currently experiencing it's a price of dystopian this limb that we are experiencing because j.p. morgan and other banks are rogue banks that are committing massive fraud and they've got the central banks on the behalf of us taxpayers to print lots