syria i want to look with you for a second at a scene from a program that a colleague of ours jaafari karim was filming recently and this took place in jordan and we can pull the clip up now we've got a woman who's trying to speak out there a lot of sexual harassment that she is exposed to every day and watch what happens it's in arabic but. vehemently attacked by a politician in jaafari hannele who calls her a liar and says she's giving a false image of what life in jordan is like now unlike most of our viewers you can actually understand what's going on here are you surprised by what you're seeing or is this really par for the course. fun think that some people who has this mentality they hide themselves they are not going on public so this is maybe surprised me that one of the politician he is i think he is the member in the parliament also he just gone on t.v. and talk in this heat i think hate speech so that's sort of the surprise and he was telling her what exactly that she shouldn't be speaking out and he said that first he said that you are not jordanian and then you are. you are ju