seat number two, salinas and seat four, jabari jackson. again, i agree with supervisor stefani that all of the applicants would be very qualified to serve and it's really hard to make this decision. >> thank you, i just am trying to take down all these notes to figure out. of course this is going to be impossible of a decision because you all stood out incredibly, in incredible ways. i just think you know, there are so many prejudices and you know, stereotype of people who have served time in our society and i think that you all blew all of those stereotype out of the way today by showing your april genero -- bring generous, your diversity, your commitment, your understanding of the circumstan circumstances that you know, led down this path and how to get out of it with flying colors. i was just blown away during these really rough times, being so inspired by all of your stories and your stories of triumph and adversadversity. really, i think it has made me feel a lot better, these are hard times for all of us. so thank you, thank you so m