jabarin jack is back ready to ring halloween to life in your home. jack. one of a kind jack lantern that comes to life with an animated face. >> the cox sings and tells jokes. what's the matter? >> haven't you ever seen a talking jack o' lantern before with over 70 minutes of fun entertainment, jack and keep the party going with three lively personal, spooky jack sets the tone for a haunted evening. while plenty more traditional. >> jack keeps your spirits high and your littles laughing. don't eat too much candy or you'll end up with a smile like mine. making a face for one pumpkin is okay, but jabarin jack has dozens of expressions, making him the jack lantern that everyone loves and remembers. what makes jack and jack so unique in his patented internal projector. this technology allows jack to reject a bright, clear , animated face that looks like it's right out of a movie. and jack is completely self-contained. there's no additional parts to assemble. >> all you have to do is plug and play with jabarin jack, we've got the coolest house on the block. >>