it tickled at the nasdaq 100 it's been a pretty easy ride of 27% since jaber able to look at about and that's barely positive right now so the dollar is definitely struggling against rest of the market. will talk more about what has been leading the market and has been technology but we took a look at these are nothing blowing them out of the water but the fact is what we've seen with the economic news is not as bad as feared and that has divided the calls for the by years. when investors are going to be paid attention to the fixed this week to ban burning key for it to days of testimony testimony and on the economy and monetary policy. halfway through 2009 - and bank failures continue adding up - bringing the total number of banks shut down by the fdic - to 57 in 2009... and 25 in 2008. so far this year.. illinois leads the nation - with 11 failed banks.. followed closely by georgia with 10 - the fdic has spent more than 12 billion dollars... covering losses from these failures. the number of troubled banks is also on the rise... the fdic is keeping a close eye on 305 institutions...