jack benny. his famous thing now -- jack, in his radio program for years, he was very cheap. he is walking in the park and the guy jumps out of the bushes and says, your money or your life. there's this long pause and he says, your money or your life? jack says, i'm thinking. [laughter] they say it is one of the longest laughs in radio ever. tavis: what is the greatest lesson? what has been the lifelong lesson, the takeaway for you having been such a successful comedian all these years? i suspect whatever you have learned on stage, you have used in every other aspect of your life. >> i just found that i like to make people laugh. and then go home to a normal life. there are arguments. i think i am normal at home. my wife might disagree. but we have a great time, my wife and i. comedians marriages, my wife and i, as i mentioned, we were married 50 years in january. i am catholic. we went to this priest and we wanted to get married. they said what do you do? i have a television show and my wife said that she is an extra in movies and he said, i can't marry you. why not? because