and that's why jack bogle, who's been in this world, in this space for 60-plus years -- vanguard's atty large company. that's why they've been able to succeed. >> one more on the fiduciary rule. wondering about, for millennials who often change jobs, will this help or hurt them, rolling 401(k)s into iras? i'm glad you asked that question. it's particularly important. people look at this rule and they think, oh, this just applies to me when i retire. every time you leave a job, if you have a 401(k) or an ira, this rule is very relevant. a big part of the leakage is when people -- the 24-year-old who's been at the company for three years, they leave and it's entirely permissible and sometimes the best idea just to keep your money parked where you just were. and what happens right now is people come at you, 'cause they see you've left. they say give your money to me. roll it over with me and i'll take care of you. unbeknownst to you, you've just paid a huge fee. either way, do me one favor. go to john oliver. watch his show from about 10 days ago if you want to learn why this matters, b