cavanaugh. we're also joined by military analyst and retired army colonel jack jacobs. good morning to both of you. jim, let's start here with your assessment on the way german officials responded to this threat just hours before the new year for them. >> i give them an a. we look at the history of crime and terrorism and let's just look back just ten years. in 2004 in madrid we had 13 bombs placed on trains in madrid, killed 191 people. in 2005 in london, we had four sue described bombers, backtracks, one on the train, killed 56 people. in 2012, in moscow we had two suicide bombers that went on a moscow subway that killed 40 people, i believe. if any of those attacks, richard, law enforcement had gotten a tip, an inkling, and intercept, a source that said this is about to happen, what would have been the right thing to do in those three cases? it would have been just what the munich authorities did. and i see that as not cowhering in fear, i see it as maneuvering in a battle in a long war and it's smart money. they're back in business today. it gives the police time to