were featuring this video is because it was shot, edited, and produced by one of our editors here jack chapman i remember how special it was because he's a rock star giving back and people had a true affection for him. >> we thought we'd highlight it again. we have jack with us. this was a pretty cool project. what was it like working with chester? >> phenomenal experience i'll never forget. i remember when the director came to me and told me about this project. obviously i was on board. it was something close to my heart because i recently lost my mother to cancer. when we were in the surgery room and chester came in, he, like, just lifted the whole feeling of the room with his presence. he was just such a sweet man. the moment of, like, holding my camera and seeing him perform his heart out, it was like my goodness it's actually happening. we're making this and it's going to be amazing. and i think you could sense the kind of thought we knew we needed to turn it over quickly. he said if anyone is the rock star, it's you. it's you guys. and i was like, oh, man. with him being chair, they've r