jack dalrymle's maximum income rate is 3.99 on over $80,000 a year. are you going to lower or eliminate the state income tax of nebraska, kind of pull a texas, if you will? >> if i had my preference, we would completely eliminate the income tax. i think we have an opportunity for that. but at the very least i'd like to lower it. i'd love us to get down to a 3% if we can't get all the way to zero. >> what about you, jack dalrymle? a number of stay have already do done it. >> you know, i think we could do it but so far we feel like it's another tax type and we are interested in some balance in our tax system out here but we've been lowering all the taxes. we've been lowering property taxes and basically lowering systematically individual income taxes and corporate income taxes. so part of this secret, you know, is to have low taxes and then have plenty of fiscal discipline and then invest in infrastructure. that's where our money is going. we're investing in the long-term fu future of our state. >> governor, gentlemen, thank you both for joining us toni