jack put you up for this. if you don't want the job, you have to talk to him. - fine-- i will talk to him, and mr. donaghyill understand, 'cause he's my best friend in the whole world, comma, beautiful hair category, parentheses, strong. - and a man must leave his mother and a woman needs her bones - what can i say, nancy? i wanna be with you, i wanna take naps with you. i wanna watch you watch a hockey game. i wanna find long, red hairs in my overcooked pot roast. i love you-- i do love you. because you know that what i really am is a poor mama's boy from sadchester, massachusetts, who had to wear his sister's hand-me-down corduroys. - they were orange and had hearts for pockets. - and you like me anyway. - yeah, i get it, jack, but what are you gonna do about it? i can't share you with another woman, like you're that mormon guy on hbo,