joining me now on what to make of this, jack girard, ceo of th american petroleum institute.3 does thatas somebody people sellout? and demand for gasoline to the most part is seven multi yellow. >> what is happening is historically demand is moving down. we are seeing more and more drive. part of that is the efficiencie or economies. but it does someone surprise me that demand continues to move down. the cost of fuel, frankly, is determined, as you know, but th cost of crude oil on a global market. the other demands around the world, the global supply and demand are moving up.3 so demand out and the middle east, china, india, and elsewhere continues to drive that overall demand up which holds up the cost. dagen: crude-oil production particularly in this country. crude production already at the highest levels since early 1992. charlie production in this country will surpass the import for the first time since the 1980's. this is a real source of hope for this country, is it not, in terms of jobs? >> absolutely. overseeing is a gain changing opportunity that no one had predicted just five