so many people that nobody has ever heard of including jack hayes, we will mackenzie, the great indian fighter, but he was grant's favorite officer in the civil war. and so you have these and graeme warriors unleashing their guy against parker and the fall of 1871. it is one of those great kind of moments. it is the will to destroy them finally. but it also, i guess, in retrospect shows you just how powerful the plains indians were. >> that scope of time that they were able to exert that kind of influence for so long and be so dominant. >> right. and i think that that, you know, one of the things i, you know, a lot of people ask me about this. you know, did i set about in my book to write a revisionist history of the experience of native americans in north america. the reason for the question is, well, there is this idea that is driven by wounded knee and books and movies in the 60's that indians were victims. indeed, they work. they were all victims eventually have the great steamroller, american steamroller that came west. but there was also power, and i think that what surprises som