"white fang" is very famous novel, jack london novel, and this first edition jack inscribed, again to ida k his neighbor and friend, in memory of billy and the ride from reno over the high sierras, affectionately yours, jack london, napa, california, july 30, 1910. on the inside of the book is jack london's trademark book stamp. it's got his name, jack london, and his wolf signature, so to speak. and in our collection we have his original stamp or one of his original book stamps in its metal plate form from which he created bookplates for his books. and it's intriguing to all researchers because it is so worn and so used. many, many, many times jack london had his bookplates reprinted. we also have in our special collections the ernest hemingway letters, four unique letters written by ernest hemmingway to a local journalist, denny petticlerk. he was a journalist who wrote for the santa rosa press democrat, the daily newspaper in sonoma county. he was a korean war correspondent for the paper and wrote also for the san francisco chronicle before moving to miami where he was a journalist