. >> jack karawak he moved to america. >> parents did they were french canadian. >> why?> 7 million canadians in the 20th century had to go to the u.s. for jobs or opportunities it is an enormous migration and brain drain. >> millions of french canadians came here. >> yes, and english canadians. and i think one of the largest ethnic groups in new england are french canadians. >> we went to the factories. >> what percentage of english speakers versus spanish would you foresee in a merged country? >> you are counting spanish speakers that would be americans and french speakers would be canadians and then. >> about 53 million hispanics and quebecers are 5 or 7 million so a it and in the ocean. >> but the point is, we are becoming bilingual. >> many of those are chinese and immigrants. >> but we are becoming bilingual in many parts of this country i think we can learn from canada because canada has been bilingual. >> my chicago ballot every time there is a presidential election it is spanish and english. >> successionist movements would be quickly formed in both countries can