i know that jack keene retired vice chairman of the army has said that he has spoken to people who participatede decision making process and that there was a good deal more hesitation than has been suggested. megyn: you say -- and you've been a critic of president obama's in some matters, but you say that this is telling because, among other things, it's not in your opinion what a leader would do. and you look back to history to make your point in an opinion you wrote in the "wall street journal". tell us. >> well, contrast this, for example, with what the president that president obama says he models himself on, abraham lincoln, did people criticized general mcclellan and secretary of war, ed ain stanton. he says whatever mistakes they made, i'm to blame. i'm responsible. by contrast, when the war was over, he didn't take credit for that. he gave it to general grant and the troops. megyn: when general lee surrendered. >> that night, he made a speech from the window of the white house specifically disclaimed any credit for himself, gave it all to general grant and the troops, then talked about