what happened to jack kershaw? interesting story, it turns out. around the same time that his client, james earl ray was dieing in prison, while serving his sentence for assassinating martin luther king, around that same time, 1998, jack kershaw, james earl ray's lawyer, sort of started a new vocation. i don't know if it's anything he ever got paid for. but it was his self-actualized self. he was the founder of the league of the south, in 1994. the neo-confederate post segregationist group. he founded it in 1994. in 1998, when his famous client was dying in prison, being sentenced for killing martin luther king, around 1998, that lawyer, jack kershaw, completed his masterpiece, his artistic masterpiece. a statue. a gigantic 25-foot-tall statue that he made maybe with bathroom caulk, household materials of some kind. i say it's his masterpiece because i think it's the best he can do. it was terrible. doesn't mean i think it was good, honestly, it was terrible. but it was his masterpiece. a buddy of his even said on the record, to a local news repor