jack keurac over here, who is said to have started the whole beat generation business. >> jack kerouacreat american writer, but fame destroys people in america. >> to what extent do you believe that the beat generation is related to the hippies? >> well, they're just -- >> what do they have in common? was this an evolution from one to the other? >> they're just the older ones. i'm 46 years old. these kids are 18. the beat generation was a generation of beatitude and pleasure in life and tenderness. i believe in order and piety. >> here's the progenator of the counterculture kind of disowning his own babies and trying to make sense of a decade he didn't feel pairy to. >> a movement which i did not intend. this was pure, in my heart. >> all sorts of people have been writing various articles about the hippies, usually about the hippies as if they were animals, something to look at. thus, we've gotten hundreds and literally thousands of people coming up to haight-ashbury to watch people. it makes it an unpleasant place to be in. >> news got out about the haight-ashbury. it became overrun.