the justice league became a surprise case and inspired stanley and his jack kirby to create their own team of superheroes. greatest genius super the laws of the world as ever and all fantastic. the 1st issue broke convention with all superhero archetypes of the day unlike the stoic and sniff lawless superman and batman. and kirby's heroes came not just with superpowers but with problems that readers could relate to. it was the beginning of characters having a 3 dimensionality that really set marvel apart. jamey finger off edited some of marvel's most famous superheroes for close to 2 decades. marvel comics gave you a depth of characterization where. people could work together but not like each other or like each other but be angry at each other or quit the team as far as comic books that was fairly unprecedented. a year later marvel straight even further from comic conventions for the 1st time a teenager became a superhero. such was marvel's impact there's now an exhibit dedicated to its famous character in new york. spider-man is as my favorite character now he's very complex and yet