joining us from arena is jack leif. arena developed this drug.rug on the market put out by your competitor. that was on the market ten months before belviq hit the shelves. in general analysts have been disappointed with the sales even though studied have showed that the other drug produced more weight loss. what's your comment on that? >> we have a completely new drug, melissa, we're really thrilled. this is a transform tif moment for arena form suit cals. when we started the company 16 years ago we wanted to bring new medicines to patients and physicians who had unmet medical needs. with this new drug, belviq, we're able to do just that and also validate the technology that we have for the rest of our pipeline and also start the engine, the financial engine that will allow the company to become profitable as well as fund some of the rest of our pipeline so it's very, very exciting time for us. >> how does it compare with the other one in terms of the insurance coverage and the out of pocket expenses. that was the problem in terms of the sale of