jack lew gave you a personal telephone call and asked you to give your personal -- if jack lu gave youl telephone call and asked you to give you personal you ats -- jack lew gave personal telephone call and asked you to give a personal recommendation for a woman, who would you recommend? ron: i think hamilton was a misunderstood and neglected founding father and now he is having his moment in the sun. -- thess is clearly up person who is up for reconsideration is jackson on severalbill, he owned hundred slaves, he saw the forced relocation of several hundred indians from the east coast to oklahoma, the so-called trail of tears where hundreds of cherokees died, so he is a candidate for reappraisal, but i would really like to see hamilton maintain his place on the $10 bill. there is no memorial to hamilton in washington like the way that washington, lincoln, and fdr, as wallace jefferson have, he is not carved up there on mount rushmore, that i feel there is canly the place where we honor him is on the $10 bill and we should keep him there. pimm: my thank you to you. of let's take a look