- now president, and his advisers are saying don't make priority of -- out of jack kennedy's civil rights bill. it's a noble cause but a lost cause. the southerners control congress. don't do it. it's a noble cause, don't fight for a noble cause. that's a lost cause. and you know what johnson says? he says what the hell is the presidency for, then? and of course in his first speech, after kennedy is assassination, he says our first priority has to be to pass the civil rights bill. and one of kennedy's aides, says to him, basically -- i forget the words -- do you really mean this or is it just politics in and sonson says, listen, didn't i tell you once about the kids in catoula. vowed if i ever had the power i would help them. and now i have the power and i'll tell you something, i'm going to use it. so, if you feel you understand something about -- it's like you get to know a friend. >> host: but -- i know we're almost out of time -- i like my friends very much. your johnson is not my friend. he's your friend. and i just want to end on something up think it's so important because of this issue of empathy an