lot of things by yourself since the city oh closed the local police station in 2005, james, jack rabbit jacksonis neighbors have been policing their own streets. >> crime just started creeping up. the criminals started getting more brazen, and more brazen. so we decided we were going to have to do something, so we started patrolling. myself and a couple of other guys. and now, you know, we start catching a few crooks. before we knew it, crime was way down. >> reporter: the jackson neighborhood is now one of the safest in the motor city. but this is still detroit as katherine king was reminded this week. >> there was shattered glass everywhere. this is the ninth incident. it's very painful and frightening, and it's not the direction that detroit has been going in with great, great, you know, ascent. >> reporter: the ascent is likely to improve on friday when a federal judge is likely to approve a bankruptcy plan. it would write off $7 billion in debts to creditors, and cutting city retiree's pension funds by 4.5%. but detroit will have to stop overspending. >> this gives the city an opportunity