recognizing our director, jenny freedomback, becky evans, sam lue, kelly cutler, miguel herrera, jack rice, emmitt house, cynthia fong, and lauren hall. you know the coalition on homeless celebrated its 30th anniversary leading the fight to change the hearts and minds of the root of homelessness. a rag tag group -- and by the way still a rag tag group -- of community activists and homeless residents came together to strategize a plan for permanent affordable housing access and dignity. known as being creative and confrontational, it's known for its work, most proudly, of establishing standards of care in our shelters, expanding access to substance abuse for homeless residents long before we were all talking about it. and our city funded sub city program, win -- which i've been fighting with you. found a paper with the largest circulation. and it was a key signatory of the ballot measure. a one of the amazing things about the campaign is it was led primarily by women and i just want to thank again jenny, sam, cynthia, kelly, jen and so much more to lead the fight to expand what we should be