jack scoville joins us---where are we in terms of the crop insurance threshold for planting? > >really this is normally the time of year when the farmerjust begins to plant anyway so the crop insurance threshold is several weeks off. it's not something that we're worried about right now. > > would you be worried if you were a farmer about frost at this point? > >that's more of a possibility, especially conisdering the size of the system that's moving across. i know that that was a concern with wheat prices here on monday when wheat prices in kansas city went a lot higher and that was probably due to frost. nothing has really been planted yet so at least north of the mason dixon line anyway. and those areas even though they might get frost later on in the week its gonna forst on really just black dirt so its really not a concern just yet. > >all the same, i hear from farmers that they are anxious to get planted for corn this year. what's one week--if its a wet week in the heartland. what's one week's delay? > > one week delay at this time of year really doesn't do all that muc