the private chat room show state representative matt shea discussed disrupting a planned demonstration by antifascist protesters in spokane with jack robertson, host of the far-right show "radio free redoubt." and also with anthony bosworth, a veteran of the 2016 occupation of the malheur national wildlife refuge by an anti-government militia. the chat logs show shea agreed to carry out background checks on the protesters and did not object when robertson proposed attacking a woman activist with the threat, "fist full of hair, and face slam, to a jersey barrier. treat them like communist revolutionaries. then shave her bald with a k-bar u.s. marine corps field knife." after the guardian published its expose washington's lieutenant , governor called on republicans to eject representative shea from their caucus. in massachusetts, commerce ltin has become the 19th democrat enter the 2020 presidential race. he is a 40-year-old veteran of the u.s.s. marines who touted hs military service in a campaign video announcing his candidacy. yes promised to grow the u.s. economy while battling climate change and enhancing u.s. cyber security. an