that's divinize welcome to jack sigell who is joining us. ck is not an author, but in fact he may have a more useful role for us today. jack is an expert when it comes to the ukraine. he has served as a political adviser to the nato joint force commander, was actually initially going to talk here at the event and talk about afghanistan, but because of the events : on with russia and ukraine, a little bit of an hon. has been called and he will be talking about ukraine, the next cold war. tommy about your work the national security council. >> i went to the national security council after serving in russia, first in moscow and in central russia. my job was as one of four directors were russia, ukraine, and eurasia. prior to that i have served in the state department as the office director for ukraine, belarus, moldova, and poland. i had the background. i became a go to guy on ukraine in particular but also the other western slavic countries. the situation at that time -- this was back after the collapse of the soviet union, but really yeltsin w