going to highlight a couple of themes that are related to but maybe beyond, actually, what jack already summarized and ask a couple of questions. so the subtitle of the book, "the accountable presidency after 9/11," i think, is the most interesting avenue into the book. the book into douses -- into deuces the -- introduces the idea of accountability with new techniques beyond what the constitution actually provided for and at the same time demonstrating how the existing branches actually, also, have been able to interrelate and provide checks and balances. the new accountability techniques include some of the techniques used within the existing branches such as the inspector genre scream created by congress inside the executive, such as the freedom of information act created by congress but then available for people like david cole and other private actors to produce a kind of transparency. and what the book demonstrates is that both in the process and in the results this combination of new activities in old branches and new kinds of uses of instruments has actually produced enormous transformatio