that's what jack vogel said. he goes on to say, so we are helping people who are doing very well and doing nothing for the people doing very badly. one of the flaws is that corporations are putting their shareholders ahead of the people that build the corporation, the people who put their heart and soul on the line and are committed to the company. quote, it's just the unfairness, unquote. that's jack vogel of vanguard, not some democratic source. he finishes with these words. but the worst part of it is that corporations are making so much money now, they don't know what to do with it. they aren't investing in new equipment and innovation. they are buying back their own stock, which helps the stock price. he goes on to say the following. quote, i am all for capitalism, he said. i'm a capitalist myself, but there is such a thing as too much, unquote. that's what jack vogel said about this bill and about the effects of the corporate tax break. bloomberg reported wednesday that corporate leaders are saying the tax