.- jack walsh built >> the thing about larry right now as he has possibly the hardest job in americaniness. it all and put it in the heavens, especially as his predecessor lasted only 14 months on the job. the board is anxious for somebody to get this right. if you can't get it right fast you are going to be out. they have already tanked this. massive endorsement today, you're crazy to have your retirement there. it is down to one cent. because some investors can't invest income copies that don't have a dividend. he truly doesn't have a lot of rope here. he does have his license to make big changes. a lot of the strategic changes they want to do are going to be constrained by the debt low -- debt load they have paid is estimated -- they have. it's estimated they have $2 billion in my ability. -- in liability. once upon a time ge capital owned a big insurance business. now they are still on the hook for some of the liabilities from it. one of the things they have as they are on the hook for about 300,000 long-term care insurance policies. just recently ge had to say we have to read --