jack. - lemon, i was in beijing this weekend, buying a reality show format where criminals try to dance their way to freedom. - jien-yu pi-li-wusure. - i also bought this. a chinese knockoff of your book. - what? "dealbreaker: the book for you man no good, by lesbian-yellow-sourfruit." - so, uh, what do you need from me? - ah, well, our new cast member starts today. - oh, of course, the robot. i liked him. - we don't know anything about him. i don't think his real name is partybot. i don't know what he looks like. i don't know what he talks like. i certainly don't know if he can act. - lemon, what did you once say to me about acting? - just hit your marks, stay in your light, and do the same thing every take for continuity. - see? anyone can do it. [knocking] - miss lemon, security called. our new actor just checked in. he'll be on six in a couple minutes. - let's go introduce ourselves. - this is so exciting. maybe we should practice the welcome song i distributed. [falsetto] ♪ makin' a new friend ♪ sure ain't easy