as you said my name is mark barton and this is my wife jackie. we have three children. james is 12, natalie is eleven and daniel 7. three months ago today on december 14th, i held his little hand as we walked to the bus. i kissed him good-bye. for as you know, will be the last time. daniel as any parent will tell you that their child is special, but what was special about daniel is his kindness. he had a very unique compassionate part of his person. if you noticed the classmate sitting alone, he would ask the teacher to be excused to go and comfort that classmate. his cousins were moved by this to the point where they wanted to set up a facebook site to honor his kindness, they call it what would daniel do, wwdd. this tech effort, that you guys are doing, is something that daniel would do. this is what daniel would do. he would look into his heart and try to fix things and we can't tell you how much or how deeply it touches us that you are looking into your hearts, taking your time and your talents and devoting yourselves to fixing this. we know that there is no simple